Kinesiology Specialist
Ailee Shen
Ailee is a certified Kinesiology specialist and registered is with the Australian Kinesiology Association (IICT).
She is passionate about assisting clients with both physical and emotional stress levels. She looks for
ways to improve the efficiency and performance of a person’s health. She is specifically focused on birthing, pregnancy, infants, children, teenagers, families and relationships.
Advantages in her Kinesiology consultations include extra modalities in Neuro-training, recuperation, flower essences, chakra energy, homeopathy, nutritional alternatives and acupressure.
Her areas of expertise are:
Assist with clearing grief attachment
Boosting confidence in a specific area that you need to focus on
Strengthen the gut system and digestive area
Improve eczema and psoriasis symptoms
Creating better focus and awareness in your day to day life
Diploma in Kinesiology
Diploma in Neuro-Training
Master in Traditional Usui Reiki
Certificate in Feng Shui
Certificate in Providing First Aid
Certificate in Emergency Management of Asthma
Checked for working with Children
Ailee is available on:
Monday 5pm-8pm & Fridays 9am-1pm